Unfortunately, we do not have any prices for the options that you have selected. However, we do have some advice on what to do with your old device.
Although none of our recyclers are currently offering a price for your device, it is still of the utmost importance that you find a way to keep it in circulation. If you throw away your device, it is likely to end up on a landfill site where it will become e-waste, which is highly detrimental to the environment. Find out more about e-waste here.
If you have bought the Samsung Galaxy A5 2017 and are now looking to upgrade or change phones, then you will be looking to find the best price for your phone as possible. Samsung Galaxy A5 2017 phones are always in high demand and could become the perfect refurbished phone for someone. Simply select a recycler from our comparison table, then click through and fill out your details.
The recycler will then send you a freepost pack to send your phone in for evaluation. After your device meets certain requirements, then the recycling company will send you the money via bank transfer, PayPal or cheque.
The Samsung Galaxy A5 2017 is full of rare materials and took a significant amount of energy to make. Did you know that 80% of a phone’s total emissions are created during a smartphone’s production? Keeping devices in circulation saves resources from being mined for longer. When you sell your Samsung Galaxy A5 2017, you can rest assured that your phone is going to be used again or recycled responsibly if the phone is beyond repair.
Samsung Galaxy A5 2017 recycling prices depreciate throughout the year, with the biggest decreases occurring after a new device in the same range has been released. The value of the cheaper Samsung Galaxy A5 2017 should drop more slowly than the more expensive phones which can see a huge percentage of the value knocked off just after a single year. Mobile phones are now costing over £1000, so it is more important than ever to know how and when to get the most that you can for your old phone.
If your phone has deep scratches, a broken screen, or malfunctioning buttons, then the phone must be classed as ‘broken’. The recycling companies will then give your phone a makeover and replace the broken parts until it can be sold on as a refurbished model. If your device cannot be reconditioned, then it will be responsibly recycled.