Comparing to sell your Google Pixel 6 is the surefire best way to get the most trade-in value. When you come to upgrade your device, we compare all the different merchants offering prices for your device, so all you need to do is choose them based on their price, star rating and other factors. Once you have selected a merchant, they will either send you a pack to send your phone back, you can arrange to send it off yourself (this is usually more expensive) or some of our merchants even offer a collection service that will collect the device form your day from only 1 working day. Once they have your device, they will check it over, mark down for any scuffs or marks and then offer you a price, or just pay the initial offer price.
Getting the most money for your old phone requires one thing. Action! Once you have ordered a new phone, start taking off your pictures ready for when you receive delivery of your new one you can get the old one ready and sent off. Once you know what phone you want, you can lock your phone in for up to 14 days depending on the merchant, this is usually much longer than it takes to receive delivery of a new phone, even if ordering online. Prices go down every day, lock your price in now.
Even if your Pixel 6 is broken; you should still go out of your way to recycle it to avoid it ending up in landfill. All you need to do is categorise your phone as ‘broken’ on our site. However, if your device has been subjected to water damage, then you should contact your recycling company to find out what these policies are via the company’s T&Cs.
At Compare and Recycle you can find the best price to sell other Pixel models: